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3 Data Loss Problems caused by Hard Drive Repartitioning

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September 30, 2021


PC users might suffer from data loss due to factors like power failure, human error, system crash, hardware failure or more. But data loss in a hard drive can also be contributed by partitioning a hard drive. Author Divya Jain View all posts

However, partitioning is necessary when you install a new hard drive, which benefits optimising and organising data files. While repartitioning may associate data loss risks when you need to install more than one operating system, expand storage or create new partitions.

Here are the three data loss problems caused during hard drive partitioning which you must avoid.

Data loss during accidentally formatting data

For instance, when you repartition or resize your drive and accidentally delete the drive partition, that was important. Also, your important data can be lost when you accidentally format a wrong drive partition.

1. Power failure or storage problem: When it comes to hard drive data loss, it can be triggered when a power outage occurs during repartitioning of the hard drive. Other than power failure, any storage issue like insufficient space can interrupt drive repartition causing data loss.

2. Unreliable repartitioning utilities: If you use a third-party tool to repartition your hard drive, you must be cautious before proceeding. They can cause unprecedented data loss.


Considerably hard drive data loss can take place any moment when you repartition hard drive carelessly. Though, hard drive data recovery is possible when you lose data from data during drive repartition. Moreover, recovering lost data is much easier with updated backup than other data recovery solutions.

Need to Restore your Data Lost during Drive Repartition?

Techchef is India’s leading data recovery service, providing accurate solutions for critical hard drive data loss problems. Whether logical or physical hard drive failure, our seasoned experts can recover your precious data with the best course of action and expert tools. Also, with high-end solutions, you are offered up to 100% recovery success rates.

Visit our website to know more about our best data recovery services.

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