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Causes of Human Error in Cyber Security Breaches

Written by


Approved by

Anish Kumar

Posted on
June 28, 2022


Imagine this; your bank balance has dropped to zero, your secret data has been wiped out from servers, stock prices going crazy, travelling is on halt because control rooms are knocked out as their computers are not working and the list is so long. This is not just a story, it can happen with us. […]

According to a study by IBM, “human error is the main cause of 95% of cyber security breaches. In other words, if human error was somehow eliminated entirely, 19 out of 20 cyber breaches may not have taken place at all.”

You must be aware of the growing cases of cyber crimes. In the technical era, your precious data is two-edged sword;

It is the generation of keeping data to ease your work.
Data can make you vulnerable, as cyber crime committers are on rise.

On one hand, it makes your task easy and on the other hand, it can attack you as well. But due to the fear of being attacked, We cannot stop our organisational work. But let us first understand, what is cyber security threat?

What is a Cyber security threat?

A Cyber Security threat is a dangerous malicious act with a motive is to damage the digital security and data of an organisation. Whether the attackers steal data, damage data or disturb the digital life but motive is to damage and threaten through digital.

You must be aware of the fact that cyber crime is on the rise and the fascinating thing is we intentionally contribute to it. But, the question here arises how? This is what the article is about. Let us know how human errors can breach cyber security, as follows below:

1. Lack of digital skills: It is sometimes difficult to detect where we have gone wrong because even a minor mistake can give advantage to cyber crime. At that point of time, it is crucial to become a skillful operator of computers. However, not everyone can be an expert. But training employees in the organization and spreading awareness about the criticality of the data can reduce the risk.

2. Ignoring errors: Sometimes humans do not pay much attention to frequently occurring errors but it can cause damage to your data. So whenever an error occurs, try to understand it by browsing or asking any IT professionals to prevent a disastrous situation in future.

3. Software exploitation: Cyber criminals are constantly looking for new exploits in software. Whenever any software exploits are detected, the software developers race to fix it and at that point of time cyber criminals use this opportunity to compromise more users. This is why it is essential that users install security updates on their computers as soon as they are available.


These are some major human errors listed out and it will encourage you to see and reduce the risk. While untrained end-users may be the weakest link in the security of your organisation, the right tools and training programs allow employees to learn more about cyber security which eventually help to safeguard your business in the long term.

However, such situations still may arise or you end up losing your precious data. But know you what? Techchef can provide you full safety and security to protect your data. We have a record of recovering data in any severe scenario from any device. Our experienced professionals believe in keeping the words we give you.

Get our services today, before any catastrophic situation arises. Check out our official website or call us at 1800-313-1737 to book an appointment with our professionals.

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