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How to Recover Data from RAID Based NAS?

Written by


Approved by

Anish Kumar

Posted on
August 24, 2020


Network-attached storage is a device that can be compared to the File server, it is connected to a network in which any authorized user can store and retrieve the data easily. In that, a quite popular and in-demand is the RAID-based NAS which is acceptable especially for its affordability, reliability, and scalable storage solution that […]

How to Recover Data from RAID Based NAS?

It can be adjustable to all small, medium, and large-scale business and being cost-effective most of the companies uses it. In RAID-based storage, users can easily remove, add storage drives as per their needs and requirements. it helps businesses to never run out of space but the technical world also has some major disadvantages.

A damaged or corrupt RAID-based NAS cannot be accessed, and without formatting the installed NAS hard drive and one cannot make a thing from it. If you do so, there are greater chances for you to lose your crucial stored data as well as destroying it completely. Thus, this particular data storage facility comes with various benefits as well as challenges that need to be given importance.

Why are NAS devices used?

For Data Backup: You will without a doubt find this as the most amazing solution for data backup on a routine basis. Such a device if added will provide you better and more advantages to additional storage space and for your archival processes too. Also, you will find it way better than outsourced and subscribed Cloud. The best part is NAS is located right in your hand and you can make simple control of it easily.

Streaming of Data: NAS is said to be a highly professional, expert, and smart storage solution. The best is its reliance on its operating system, this ensures the support for such local media services. As a result, if you wish to play music, watch the video, or enjoy pictures, you can do so with the direct source provided from it. NAS devices are also greatly used for IoT (Internet of Things) or control system for the smart homes which are currently getting in trend.

Data Sharing Purposes: Whether you want to share your data as a professional means, or if you wish to share it for your personal use. NAS servers are best suited as they are healthy and better in communication with other devices. This is done through the LAN (local area network) which is a small file server that provides all computer devices attached to the LAN with access through this file. Also, you can reach the device any point of time, without any inconvenience through just the use of the Internet. And you can easily access this through the web-browser based user interface.

A RAID-based NAS have many reasons for failure:

A sudden power failure or power surge causes a breakdown in the connection and disturbance leading to failure.
Overheating due to overcharged of the device or improper shutdown due to low charge leads to a massive result in failure of the system.
Severe malware issues, infections,s and Virus or attacks due to hacking can be a serious concern and a major cause for failure.
Unable to perform setup, incorrect setup, and User error.
Operation System catching the error.
Firmware upgrades.
Storage capacity expansion issues.
The loss of the partition table.
There is a major hardware failure resulting in the effect of controlling the device.
The system failed multiple times, disk failure again and again.
Any sort of physical damage that is hard to recover due to water or fire.
Any sort of Human damage, error.
User ignorance is said to be the common cause of data problems in NAS.
Voltage fluctuation leads to NAS failure too.

Data recovery in such a condition becomes impossible as formatting becomes a compulsion. If you try to do it on your own, chances are you won’t be able to get it rightly. A little error in the handling can lead to losing the stored data forever. Do you wish to risk it all and lose your only chance of getting the data back?

The NAS device is a modern device, and however, it is targeted to 3 categories of the user group:

The aim is at users with advanced and proficient skills in the technical aspect.
Oriented towards the users with average but basic technical skills to understand the complication.
It is intended for users with no technical background and skills yet easily handle the usage and functionality of it.

Recovering Data from NAS hard Drive

RAID-based NAS data recovery isn’t a normal topic, it is a very complex topic and needs your evaluation. There is advanced and professional software that comes into action for becoming the easiest and safest mode to data recovery. This software is complex and it requires your knowledge and skills to use it. You must seek help from a technician who is into data recovery, as they can help recover the failed NAS systematically.

There are professional service providers that use software and their knowledge both into action. So regardless of how your RAID-based NAS failed, due to corrupt drive, damage, or any other reason. They know how to handle it just the right way, as the amount of experience in the field has led them to grow better.

NAS can be running on a dedicated chip assigned to it or its firmware. Sometimes, to recover, you can simply swap the drives to the same device exactly. In some cases, there are chances where the controller is unable to recognize the disc. And it will later start to initialize them, this can lead to data loss. RAID recovery software is the best in this case which can help recover the lost data.

Important Things that you should know:

One needs to determine the RAID as well as the parameter of RAID on which the NAS is based on. Without which you won’t be able to recover your data, it is the most important of all.
For recovering you will be required to have a proper condition PC running with OS.
You need to have an installed professional data recovery software that goes well with your NAS.
Free space is required as the data recovery consume quite large space, it is best to use the external or Internal HDDs.

Techchef Can Be of the Right Help

When you lose your precious data, getting anxious, and stressed up is very normal. With the help of software, you can easily get your crucial and lost data back. But you must be wondering if it is possible to recover the data after deleting or formatting or failure?

There are ample of the question in your mind, you have got the right space to shoot your question. At Techchef, we have professionals in RAID-based NAS data recovery. We are good in both single hard disc and mirror volume ones. Our data engineer can recover your crucial files from any time of RAID that you have in your device. You simply need to submit your failed drive with us, we will evaluate it and help you with the recovery.

Techchef is the leading and extremely versatile data recovery solution provider. We can be of great help to you and sort your problems without any complication. You can simply share your complications that you’ve faced and we’ll help you get rid of it in no time.

Techchef for RAID-based NAS Data Recovery

With the help of the software, you will be able to reconstruct the RAID volumes. No matter if you remember or don’t remember the RAID parameters. It will be fine for the re-construction of RAID. With us, you will always be in a better position and get your data loss recovered in no time.

Trusting us for your recovery means the world to us. Thus, we thrive better and emphasize on doing the best that we can for our customers.

The advanced benefit of this software through Techchef will be getting back your deleted or missing RAID partition from NAS, as well as all the data that it contains. With Techchef, our engineer is certified and highly qualified with several experiences that make us stronger than others. We simply don’t make a false promise, we prove that in the work we provide to you.

Categories : Blog, Data Recovery Service,

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