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Five symptoms of Printed Circuit Board Failure in Hard Drive

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June 29, 2021


The hard drive internal mechanism is complex, and once it becomes damaged, it takes time to recover. A printed circuit board (PCB) is the electric board that flows the current to the hard drive to work in a mechanism. Author Divya Jain View all posts

This way, when the power reaches the hard drive, it starts the read/write process. Thus, PCB plays a major part in working hard drives, though there could be some moments when the PCB could get damaged. Here are seven symptoms of PCB damage that you should be aware of.

1. Burning smell: If you caught your hard drive smelling strange with a burning door, it is probably because the PCB is burned or damaged.

2. Heat up quickly: It is normal for a hard drive to throw heat out of the system while processing, but if it exerts too much heat, this could be a sign of your faulty printed circuit board.

3. Drive loads slowly: When your system functions slow, it takes time for your hard drive to load if it reflects that the printed circuit board is having an issue.

4. Poor performance: It is quite possible that when the printed circuit board damages, your PC or laptop may respond slower and show poor performance at every command you enter.

5. Strange noises: When a hard drive undergoes physical damage, it makes clicking or grinding sounds that signals that it could be a damaged printed Board.


It could be complex to detect printed circuit board damage, but once you understand these signs, it would be easier to diagnose the PCB damage earlier and get it repaired on time. Connect to a data recovery professional to get back your data on time with specialized tools and technology.

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Techchef is well known for its best data recovery solutions all over India because we understand every data loss situation and bring you the best on-time solutions. Whether it’s a corrupted, damaged or failed hard drive, we recover it all with our 15+ years of expertise and state-of-the-art technology and deliver you up to 100% recovery success rates. With Techchef, get worry-free because data recovery is faster and easier.

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