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Five Things you should Avoid Doing on the Computer while Working from Home

Written by


Approved by

Anish Kumar

Posted on
July 21, 2022


The work from the home era has made organizations migrate to their remote location amid the covid-19 pandemic. The trend started in 2020 and is still in the operating mode due to the substantial rise in covid cases. Many organizations and its workers started working from home and adapted to the culture drastically, while some […]

1. Open wifi: Using an insecure or open wifi network that is unknown to you can be unsafe, especially when it comes to business data security. Attackers can easily enter the details on your computer or laptop when you access open wifi.

Through the data security holes in the open wifi, you can tend to lose all your work or even a company’s project that may become a big threat later, risking your data.

2. Passwords: That could be a huge mistake you make while logging on to your social media accounts on your work laptop. Organizations often provide laptops or systems to employees that have remote access by admins.

The organizations can have records of your searches, whether it’s your social media or opening any fun website. It is better not to log in to your social media accounts in your work system as it makes it possible to seek personal information you have entered on the laptop.

3. Leave hobbies for personal computers: Whatever you enter in your work laptop apart from work, it might be in surveillance via the proxy internet. Organizations can have an eye on your laptop while you open something fun on the laptop. But remember! It’s all being recorded.

You must be sure you are doing all fun activities in your personal systems only apart from the work computer that can make your productivity down.

4. Be kind on chats: Workspace tools in your laptop can be recording every minute of data of what you write and share. The communication tools such as slack in huge companies are used to maintain teamwork between workers.

The matter of fact is, the administrator can request the service to download all the data from their workspace, including public, private channels, and direct messages as well. So be careful about what you type and say.

5. Personal data: There’s no way any device is 100% secure against data loss. It can be not less than foolish to store your personal files or information on your personal laptop.

What if it gets stolen? Or later some other employee uses, or maybe you shift to some other workspace? You might also open doors for cybercriminals to look for your personal information.


Make it always clear in mind that workspace information should be distant from personal information. Personal data or information is always for personal purposes, and hindering it with an organization’s laptop can be risky. Moreover, it can put a business’s data security at stake also along with your personal data.
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