Are you panicking and anxious about the files you 'SHIFT+DELETED" from your computer and now lost forever? This could be the worst nightmare if you didn't have any backup prepared of your precious files that disappeared from your entire computer…
The question about a storage device's lifetime, like a hard drive, makes importance to those who have many essential documents, photos, files, and other data stored in their hard drive.
It’s an awful day for you if you are going through the heartbreak of a dead laptop on which you spilled water accidentally. There are electrical boards and other sensitive components that could be adversely affected by water or liquid…
A crashed computer system could be the worst nightmare for most computer users that have saved essential data in it. The chances are your hard drive is failed or corrupted or maybe intruded on by any virus or other system…
Many people are unaware that just because their computer hardware is damaged does not mean that the data stored on the hard drive is lost forever. Several companies specialize in data recovery regardless of the reason for the loss of…
You hear the clicking noise from your computer for a long time and you are being ignorant about it, that’s a sign your hard drive wants you to pay attention. If your hard drive is making any strange noises like…
Digital data storage devices nowadays are majorly utilized all over the world but with great things come great challenges. A stable yet sensitive hard drive of a laptop or computer is susceptible to many mechanical and human errors that often…
The process of data recovery involves recovering data from media that performing improperly due to problems with the components of the storage media like a hard drive. Data recovery is a highly specialized course that can cater to most of…
Data security is a huge and utmost responsibility for businesses all over the world. There are numerous ways by which data can be breached online due to which millions of dollars can be lost by a business. Not only the…
New Delhi: Techchef data recovery has completed its 5 successful years on 21st January. The journey of establishing a renowned data recovery and data sanitization service was started back in the year 2016 when three musketeers aka CEOs Mr. Rakesh…