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Top 3 effective ways to prevent data loss from Mac

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July 20, 2022


Did you also face the issue with your MacBook data? Do not panic; every problem has a solution. In this article, we will be guiding you on what to do when MacBook data gets corrupted or crashes? Author Divya Dhami View all posts

A combination of multiple technicals, mechanicals, and hard disks in a Macbook makes the data run, read, and perform tasks smoothly without any hassles. Though Macbooks rarely face any data-related issues that make MacBook data vulnerable. However, you must know about ways to prevent data loss from your MacBook so that whenever RAID data crashes or is corrupted, you should take the necessary precautions beforehand.

Know the top three effective ways to prevent data loss from MacBook:

1. Sudden Shutdown:This abrupt shutdown of the MacBook has been seen as quite a common reason for data loss. It happens due to multiple reasons :

Physical and logical damage of storage
Server Crashes
Inaccessible Operating System in Mac
Errors due to third party softwares
Data Corrupted

These reasons have been primarily a common problem faced by most MacBook users. However, we are fortunate that different methods are available to fix the shutting down issue. They are given below:

Keep your antivirus updated.
Uninstall all the unnecessary storage and clear up your device.
Uninstall Malware from Mac, if any
You can use Disk Utility to fix the logical errors.
Frequent checking and updating of hard disks can prevent data loss.
Most importantly, keep the backup available to prevent any data loss situation.

2. Hard disk damage due to Virus and malware attacks: Constant virus and malware attacks can destroy the device, and further, it can result in a data loss situation. The virus can potentially destroy your device, or in worse scenarios, it may attack your Hard drive and become inaccessible.

Therefore, it is vital to have a backup ready or keep the device protected from virus attacks to prevent data loss situations. When you suspect any hard disk issue take action as fast as possible or replace it. Drives can damage the device, and data becomes inaccessible on your Mac. In addition, sometimes physical and logical damage of drives may lead to internal damage of some other parts. Hence, frequent checking of drives is essential to prevent disastrous situations.

3. Accidental deletion: Another major concern for Mac data is accidentally deleting files and folders. Sometimes users may delete the file or folder without realizing its importance. The deleted data is saved in the iCloud for the next 30 days, and if the user does not recover the data from iCloud in the next 30 days, it can be deleted permanently. Here the ways are given below to recover your data :

When deleting the data, immediately press the ctrl+Z command to reverse the deleted data.
didn’t work, then check your data in iCloud.
If the data is deleted from iCloud, also take professional advice to prevent any catastrophic situation in the future.


Having said that, once you are susceptible to the causes of Mac failure, act quickly. Do not delay. The more you wait to repair it, the more complicated it becomes to recover data once a data loss happens. So without wasting your time, go for expert consultation.
For experienced professional solutions, Contact Techchef Data Recovery Solutions, which provides expertise and fast delivery of recovery. For more details and queries, visit our official website and Call us at 1800-313-1737(toll-free number).
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