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Top Five Mistakes you do that can Lose your Data

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Approved by

Anish Kumar

Posted on
May 3, 2021


Every media storage device has different storage capacities, functions, features and accessibility, regardless of the point that media devices are vulnerable to certain failures and damages that can be done by human error, mechanical errors or electrical errors etc. Author Divya Jain View all posts

The list goes long that can cause data loss and put you in an anxious situation. To prevent them, you can consider calling professional data recovery specialists that can do most of your work with expert tools and technologies.

Moreover, to prevent the mistakes from your side, you can make sure of these listed things that can cause data loss from your end.

1. Not backing up data

The lack of time to do backup copies of your original data (which you feel is essential to you) can adversely affect you later when you lose all your data. With zero data accessibility, there will be no work, and no work means no productivity. At this point, it becomes crucial to take some time out of your busy schedule to do a backup of your important data that you fear of losing.

2. Continue using a damaged or failed device after deleted data

When you notice failures or the drive you are working on is damaged, mechanically, or corrupted, it is high time to stop there. Plug out your media device right away from any power supply and immediately contact a data recovery specialist specialized in recovering data from your device. Using the failed media device can overwrite the new data over the old data, permanently damage your device and reduce the chances of data recovery later.

3. Outdated data recovery

Imagine if you haven’t been backing up data for long and now you have lost the original files; now what? It is probably the case that you have lost your new data, and you have only old data as a backup copy as you haven’t updated the new backups. This outdated data recovery can be a devastating reason for the loss of essential data.

4. Third-party apps

Access to third party-websites given by google drive or other authentic websites can impose data security threats on your computer system or media device. These data security threats can delete, overwrite or steal your data resulting in disastrous data loss

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5. Virus and malware

A malicious attack on your media device can completely vanish your data from the device it has affected. Viruses or malicious programs can enter your system and can infect the files and corrupt them through phishing attacks or spam emails. Clicking on the malicious links can lead to viruses penetrating your device.


Your negligible behaviour can get you in big trouble when you see your essential files nowhere in the media device. Be cautious with handling the files, and also avoid these big five mistakes to prevent inevitable data loss or call a data recovery specialist right away.

Lost your data? Techchef can help you

You don’t have to be worried when Techchef is here for you with the most trusted data recovery solutions for any data loss causes. We have a highly skilled and trained team of specialists with 15+ years of experience that utilize high tech tools to recover data regardless of any complexity and ensure 100% recovery success guaranteed.

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