Why Data Recovery on SSD Is More Complex than That on HDD?

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February 26, 2021


Have you ever thought about how you will recover data from failed SSD? Or what are the various SSD data recovery methods available in the market? If no, then you are liable to lose your precious business files or personal data anytime. Author Divya Jain View all posts

An SSD, undoubtedly, far better storage drive than a mechanical drive like a hard disk in terms of reliability, performance and, of course, longevity. Investing in SSD for storing heavy files can be accessed quickly and faster than an HDD, but it doesn’t mean it will not experience any wear or tear.

Reasons why SSD fails?

The sad part about using an SSD laptop or computer, unlike HDD, It will never alert you with any strange noises, signals, grinding, clicking or humming. Either the SSD works normally or stops entirely if it fails.

Though SSD displays warning messages that alert the users that can identify a symptom before laptop SSD fail.

a) Bad blocks

SSD cards, like all storage devices, have flawed memory in the form of bad blocks. When memory corrupts, bad blocks are formed in the storage segment of SSD that cause the failure of SSD data. This may impose failure while saving, reading or moving files. The performance gradually decreases with time.

b) System crash

If you notice the computer or laptop crashes while booting up but run normally after several reboots, this indicates the computer SSD failure.

c) Read-only mode

The SSD only functions in read-only mode on the computer. The only case this is happening if the drive is corrupted.

Data recovery from SSD vs HDD

The SSD and HDD data recovery have significant differences in components, model, design, manufacturing, etc.

Data recovery from HDD

When you have HDD laptops or computers, you might know they have moving parts like a spindle, arm, magnetic platter, disk etc., that function together and read/write and store data by decoding the data readable to the system. Hence, a hard disk has mechanical components its is more likely to face mechanical failures.

Recovery of data from HDD involves

a)  Spare parts replacement
b)  Logical data recovery with software
c)  Utilizing tools and techniques
d) Treatment in a cleanroom in physical failure

Data recovery from SSD

Recovery of lost data from a failed SSD is comparatively more complicated than a hard disk drive. SSD doesn’t have mechanical components but electronic components mounted on the motherboard intact together.

a)  Data recovery from a newer SSD is difficult.
b)  Manufacturers don’t share information about the latest innovation.
c)  Each design data layout needs to be mapped.
d) Poor SSD design leads to data corruption. Thus SSD data recovery is tricky.
e) Power failure leads to data saved in incorrect locations, making data recovery impossible in extreme conditions.
f)  Encryption decreases the chance of data recovery from hardware and software both.
g) Encrypted raw data can’t be reconstructed into the correct layout.
h) SSD Location and fitting pose problem to a data recovery specialist

Final words

The best way to save your data from data loss is to keep a proper backup. SSD and HDD storage devices are not immortal and have a specific lifespan dur to which data can be lost after a period. An SSD or HDD data recovery service can help to salvage your crucial data on time.

Techchef is the best data recovery service

Techchef is the best data recovery for your failed SSD or SSD data loss situations. Our experts with advanced tools and techniques come out with world-class data recovery solutions in no time and assure you up to 100% data recovery success guaranteed.

In case of failed, crashed or dead SSD, talk to our specialist at www.techchef.in and share your data loss problems with us to get the best class solutions.

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